What are your best memories? Think for a minute. Now I’m willing to bet none of them are that time you bought that thing. Or when you got home and enjoyed your new couch. More likely they are from times you experienced something. A great camping trip, a late-into-the-night dinner with friends or an incredible trip you took. Experiences over stuff, win every time.
And, this is my own opinion, oftentimes those experiences could be struggles or not necessarily positive. But something about that trip where it rained everyday or you stayed in that crazy hotel, imprint on our brains and become these fond antidotes to share.
However, it has in fact been studied and proven that experiences bring us more happiness than stuff. This is because our minds wander much of the time, which isn’t good. We are happier in the moment, so “essentially, when you can’t live in a moment, they say, it’s best to live in anticipation of an experience.” We enjoy the experience of buying something but our happiness declines after the purchase, whereas with experiences it increases. We get the happiness of anticipating the experience, as well as the happiness of experiencing it. How amazing!

So here are 10 experiences over stuff that will fill your life with adventures and fuel great memories.
1. Fun Things to Do
This can be a great opportunity to be a tourist in your own town. What is on offer? Boat rides, guided bike tours or mini putt. It’s also an invitation to seek out activities to add to your calendar. What can you DO? Stand up paddleboarding, go karting, ice skating in the woods, cross country skiing or yoga on the beach. There are tons of fun things out there. Schedule one into your calendar once a month and in a year you’ll have done 12 fun things!
2. Connect with Others
This could mean making that day trip to visit family or friends, organizing a picnic with a group of people or evening planning to do a fun thing as a group. Next time you visit family out of town find something in their town that could be fun for all to do or bring along some board games if that’s a better fit and have a games night. It’s always funner doing something together and gets you talking in ways you might never.
3. Concerts or Performances
This is a great way to spend your money. Would you rather have a new shirt or see an amazing concert? There are so many options for live performances; plays, music, comedy. You could enjoy an outdoor festival or see a performer on your bucket list. And these are the kind of things that are fun for all ages so you can do it as a family!
4. Education & Courses
Money is always well spent on expanding our knowledge. Learn a new skill or hobby; quilting, fly fishing, tennis, improv comedy. Or you can go deeper and return to school, even part time. You could gain a degree to increase your earning power too, that’s really an investment that will pay you back. But maybe it’s just for your own learning. There are tons of great courses online. Want to declutter your home, learn some parenting skills or flower arranging? Anything you want to learn you can find a way through the internet. The world is your oyster.
5. Taking Care of Yourself
Spending your dough on things to take care your mind, body and spirit are arguably the best dollars spent. Stress contributes to literally any illness and depending on how stressful your life is, it’s likely affecting your daily health. So give yourself the gift of rest, restoration and care so you can come back with more energy and calm. Have a spa day, alone or with friends. Get a massage and release all that neck tension. Buy a 10 pack of yoga classes or find a nearby gym. Heck you could even get a pedicure!
6. Bucket List Item
What is on your bucket list? Have you written one? Take some time to really think about what you want to do in your lifetime and get it written down. Then start doing or saving for those things. Maybe it’s travel or something adventurous like sky diving. Are you really into the idea of accomplishing something like reading 5000 books or becoming a master tango dancer? Then start practicing. Buy some books, sign up for lessons. You have got to get started, stop buying crap and start doing.
7. Day Trips
This is a favourite of mine. Day trips. Fun little snapshots of places you haven’t been before, like mini vacations. A true experiences over stuff experience. Maybe you plan out every saturday for a month you’ll make a trip to a new place for the day. Or you could base it around an activity; apple picking, checking out a great beach or hiking a trail. This is simple, nearby and attainable. You can make this happen just by paying for the gas.
8. Seizing the Moment
This can be hard but very rewarding. Have you ever been invited somewhere last minute and instead of saying “YES!” you think of a lot of reasons why you can’t? This is an invitation to say yes. Seizing the moment to enjoy an experience, a weekend at a friend’s cottage or a last minute dinner is an opportunity to connect and spend your time enjoying your life.
9. Vacations
I can’t count how many of my favourite memories are from trips I’ve taken. There is nothing like the feeling of being somewhere you’ve never been, being a stranger and seeing the world from a different perspective. It’s good for us to get pulled out of our bubbles and remember that millions of people are doing things differently everyday. This can be a big spend so remember a vacation can be a cottage rental or a B and B. You don’t have to get on a plane but you will be way happier that you traveled than if you bought new shoes and furniture.
10. Socializing
Spending your money on a great dinner with friends, gas to get to a faraway buddy’s house or to participate in a wedding is well worth it. Socializing with others feels great but not only that, it’s good for your health. People who socialize more, live longer. There’s no reason better than that to show up for the people in your life, participate and organize get-togethers yourself.
Now that you are inspired, start making plans! Get out there and enjoy life. Especially after how hard this pandemic has been, treasure your loved ones. Go out and have fun with them, make that drive to a friend’s place – you won’t regret it!