Do you experience that burst of energy that comes with season change? I find that especially true with spring. Winter is long and by the end of it we are raring for a shift. More light, easier to be outdoors and a fresh feeling of change. We are all familiar with spring cleaning and opening up windows, airing out winter staleness, it’s a common part of our language and almost intuitive. I find myself eager to deep clean, freshen things up and restart. That’s one of the reasons it’s a great time to use the seasonal energy to boost decluttering.
Like I said, I think there is a natural energy and intuition with spring to clean and organize our space. So using this opportunity to shed the fatigue of winter and create a fresh start will help to bolster you for making decisions. Here are some steps to guide you and get you going.
1. Open the windows
Let in the fresh air, there is nothing more energizing. Clear out the stale air while creating a vision for your space. And ask yourself some questions.
- What do you want it to feel like?
- What feels like it’s taking up too much space?
- Strip things down and give them a wash and when replacing them decide if it’s all necessary.
- Don’t buy any bins instead assess. Where is it feeling crowded or cluttered? Why? Does everything belong in the room?
The tendency with a fresh start can also be to buy new stuff; new bins, new pillows, etc. However, you’re really just adding stuff and not clearing space. Allow the fresh air to help you notice where it’s stale. The dust, the clutter and move some of it out. Whether that is putting it back where it belongs, donating it or tossing it. New bins don’t fix the problem of too much stuff.
2. Start early
The bright light of the morning is invigorating after the darkness of winter. Use it! You don’t need to make over your home but you can make a coffee and spend 30 minutes making decisions. Fill a bag or box and get it into your trunk, every bit counts. I find the energy of the morning my most productive time and what I can accomplish at 8am is vastly different than 8pm.
3. Start small
One thing with all this spring energy to be conscious of is doing too much at once. It feels doable at the beginning when you’ve taken out every single thing and are sitting surrounded by a mountain of stuff. But energy wanes. Instead decide to tackle one cabinet, a bookshelf or just the toys. Then you can get a sense of accomplishment and completion and come back to do more. Breaking down decluttering into smaller sections ensures you get it done and aren’t left with a big mess to deal with if you run out of steam.
4. Embrace change
It is easy to keep doing what you’ve always done. But spring is the season that’s all about change. Things are growing, shifting and becoming and you can too.
- Take the time to think about what you are currently doing and what the results are.
- Then take the time to think about what you want and how that would look different
- Do you shop often? Have a hard time letting go? Spend tons of time organizing and get nowhere?
- What if you cleared things out, made space and bought less? What would that mean for your time + energy?
It is hard to pull yourself out of the way you’ve been living and see the big picture but it’s the catalyst for change. See your daily actions and choices as the building blocks of your life and how you live. When you have an understanding of how the small things have impact, you can change small things and have impact.
It’s all a process
Using seasonal energy to boost your decluttering efforts is a great way to optimize one of the natural peaks of the year and work on your goal. Change is a process. Remember there will be ups and downs, so enjoy the up while it lasts. So open up a window, grab a coffee and spend 30 minutes working to make your life better.
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