Welcome to simple + intentional! My name is Sarah. I am a coach, wife and mom to a 6 year old. A full time teacher and lover of everything simple. My journey to simplicity started in 2014 when I was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. Then it really intensified when I became a mom.
Having cancer, I was propelled into some deep, internal work. I became more self aware and learned that being a perfectionist wasn’t actually helping me that much and neither was people pleasing. It was the beginning of tiny gains for me. Looking back, it’s so easy to see how much of growth is a process. One that you can’t race through and it’s hard to see until later on. And it’s not easy.
Our experiences, without a doubt, shape us. And the difficult ones most of all.
Motherhood + Simplicity
Becoming a parent, pushed me further towards simplicity almost out of necessity. With my husband working evenings and weekends and no family support, I needed things to be easier. Then when I returned to work it was a constant trade off. I could not keep up with meals, work, cleaning, laundry, etc, etc, etc. So I started getting rid of things. And the more I got rid of, the easier it was. Easier to keep things clean, to get things out of kitchen cupboards and to maintain a tidy, calm space. There was less to maintain, less to put away and feeling organized became much easier. I was no longer shuffling things from room to room, trying to find a home for them. Or cram them into every available drawer, cupboard or bin. Because we had less!
The difference I felt was incredible. And because I removed all the struggle I could I turn my focus inside. I started to ask questions of myself that I never connected to our stuff. I understood the why behind some of my acquiring. Like for example, I had a hard time not accepting free things. I always thought ‘it’s free, if I don’t want it I can pass it on’ but I didn’t connect to how much work free was. I realized I had a deep sense of scarcity that I had to challenge. The more I dug deep, the easier letting go became. The pieces just fell into place.
And that’s what I want to share with you. Things can be easier; to clean & tidy, to let go. It can be easier to make decisions, cook dinner and organize. I hope you find the help and inspiration here to support you simplifying your own life. And with simplifying, figuring out what matters most to you.
Need help?
I’ve been where you are. I know how hard it is and what’s on the other side. I offer coaching whether you need help decluttering your closet, creating a schedule or digging deep into what’s at the root of it all – I’m here for you.
Send me an email and we can set up a session. I offer in-home, locally, and virtual coaching sessions. Book a discovery call here to find out more.

“Making a dream into reality begins with what you have, not with what you are waiting on.”
T.J. hodge